ISSN 2595-7910        


APRIL 2019

Collaborators of this issue

Leandro Andrade Nacif

Web geovisualization tool for the deployment of small hydro power plants
Valeria Valente Borges
Matheus Pereira Libório
Iara Sibele Silva
Sandro Laudares
Bernardo Augusto Godinho de Oliveira
Carlos Augusto Paiva da Silva Martins

Analysis of the impacts of the joint operation between photovoltaic generators and small hydroelectric plants
Rafael Deléo e Oliveira
José Carlos de Melo Vieira Junior

Analysis of the norm NBR 15220-2: the origin of the values of convective coefficients and consequences on the thermal design of buildings
Monalisa Coelho Martins
Aloísio Leoni Schmid

Corporate Sustainability Index: the public commitment of companies in the electricity sector to sustainable development
Silvia Assunção Davet Locatelli
Ivan Carlos Vicentin


Innovative minds have been playing a very important role in the area of energy, and specifically in the electric sector, where certain paradigms survive even after a long time of their creation and after the underlying motivations have been exhausted. In this context, exercising creativity and innovating become real challenges. The tendency to cease thinking, subjecting our minds to a situation in which no premises are questioned, creates a sort of wall, difficult to transpose, which separates current thinking from the world of ideas and, consequently, from innovative solutions for the sector.

Were it not for the daring of such minds, it is quite possible that the sector might be even more categorically lost in its own meanderings. Several initiatives that seek a true differential, intrepid by nature, are beginning to take shape, generating promising results, even though they were probably once considered absurd by most of the agents and leaders, who are dazzled by assumptions that can no longer be justified. This phenomenon seems to be intrinsic to human nature. It is up to us, however, to exercise, at least to some extent, the action of self-destruction. As we destruct ourselves, we tear down the assumptions that no longer make sense, opening the door to creating something new, with potential to bring great benefits.

But what causes the agents of the sector to remain so deeply and for so long content with the context in which they work, however mistaken it seems to them? Perhaps the problem is the business mindset, that is, the framework of thoughts and attitudes, which determines the line of action of the agents. Small companies that emerge in an increasingly dynamic market, especially those that are now dedicated to alternative energy sources, are born with a mindset focused on innovation, because their existence are based on the differential. The lethargy tends to occur in greater proportion, and more easily, in large companies, which remain with the thought molded by the context of the past, failing to see further simply because they are not able to destruct themselves – from time to time – and because they are not able to question the need for a new mindset.

How does the perpetuation of the culture averse to innovation take place? The first factor is that the company does not recognize that it lacks a new stance. This can be evidenced, for example, when leadership roles of projects seeking innovation are assigned to the same people who are responsible for routine and well-established activities, and that is a primary strategic mistake. When one thinks of leadership, in well-established companies, one really thinks of people who are aligned with current business culture, that is, they have exactly the same mindset. These are the people that companies deem fit to conduct their business because they can ensure the company's survival by following the path that has been pursued from the beginning.

In the context of the company, the theme "innovation" then acquires a difficult nature to describe, as if it were something subjective, an idea without form, a concept about which nothing is known, a subject about which much is spoken and which is expected to bloom in the same way a seed can sprout when it falls into desert soil. Yes, a seed can sprout on this type of soil, but that requires a lot of struggle and determination. It requires that almost insurmountable obstacles be overcome, not only with competence and dedication, but also with "good winds", opportunities provided by circumstances over which there is no control. When this happens, one can see an innovative enterprise taking shape, ready to reap fruit, and then an interesting phenomenon occurs: the good result, the result of the solitary determination of innovative people, is magically assimilated by the company, which takes responsibility for the product as if it had provided its development and as if it had been the great promoter of innovative thinking. It seems to it that what is actually done is producing good results, and that it is paving the way to becoming an innovative company. In this way, the success of that seed that sprouted in the desert becomes a mechanism for perpetuating the policies that preserve the desert itself.

Brazilian society needs to change the mindset, and this is true also in the specific context of the electric sector. We have to stop staring always in the same direction, and understand what our own restrictions are. We have to break the tendency to seek what always seems more comfortable, in such a way as to preserve wrong models. So, we have to seek our own destruction. This may sound a little exaggerated, but what innovation does is just that: it destroys the old. It opens the way to a scenario where it is not all about the company's survival, but mainly about its excellence, its reputation, its ability to reach competitive differentials that can provide a special position in the market and in society.

It is not an easy task, otherwise the Brazilian society would already be reaping the fruits of innovation in a sustained way. The desire to produce innovation is not enough. Neither is it enough to "deploy processes" of innovation. It is not enough to launch incentive programmes. It is not even enough to create areas that manage innovation, especially when innovation does not even exist. It is necessary to change the mindset, to begin to act differently, to give opportunity to divergent thoughts, and finally to plow the soil so that the seeds will flourish without having to rely heavily on favourable circumstances.

The four papers published in this issue highlight the comprehensiveness of the journal in terms of areas of knowledge. The first one describes a "geo-visualization" tool whose objective is to allow multi-layer analysis of data related to the deployment of small hydropower plants, thus producing a more rational decision-making process, which the work demonstrates through a case study in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. The second paper analyses the impacts of the participation of energy sources, referred to as "intermittent", especially the solar source, on the generation and operation of small hydropower plants, when the two types of sources are used concomitantly. The third paper analyses the Brazilian standard regarding convective coefficient values in thermal building projects, taking into account the climate diversity throughout the country, and advocates a more detailed analysis of these values based on different methods and different climate conditions. The last paper of this issue addresses the B3 Stock Market “Corporate Sustainability Index”, used to measure corporate performance in sustainability, and its importance to companies in the electricity sector wishing to attract the confidence of investors, employees, society and government.

The dissemination of scientific works and innovations in the electric sector is the focus of Espaço Energia - Brazilian Open Journal of Energy. In order to achieve this goal, we count on the competence and dedication of renowned researchers around the world. Without them, we could never get the quality that this journal deserves. We thank all the participants and the authors of the papers of this edition. Enjoy the reading!

Espaço Energia