ISSN 2595-7910        


APRIL 2018

Collaborators of this issue

Paulo Eduardo Steele Santos
Fernando Vladimir Cerna Ñahuis

Regulatory choices of distributed generation in Brazil: perspectives and opportunities
Roney Nakano Vitorino
Dorel Soares Ramos
Fernando Amaral de Almeida Prado Júnior

Fast decoupled generalized state estimation
Ellen M. M. Nogueira
Monica A. B. C. da Silva
Elizete M. Lourenço
Odilon L. Tortelli

Effect of chloride-induced corrosion on the mechanical properties of galvanized carbon steel anchor rods of guyed power transmission line towers
Tiago Scheffer Matos
Kleber Franke Portella
Mariana D´Orey Gaivão Portella Bragança
Bruno Endo Ribeiro
Alessandro Cesar de Sousa Berrêdo
Sérgio Luís Henke


The subject of the moment in the Brazilian electric sector is the long-awaited and desired restructuring of its model. Espaço Energia, as a scientific vehicle with a special interest in the dissemination of innovative projects with applications in the electric sector, advocates a new structure that can stimulate innovative solutions in order to reach a level of maturity and excellence, making the country a world reference in the energy issue. This translates into a model that backs competition, in which entrepreneurs maintain their interests in innovation, in order to acquire competitive differentials. We believe that this is the main driver for a model that is capable of generating the expected benefits to the country.

Another important factor is the establishment of a policy that can stimulate the evolution of the sector in the medium and in the long term, and this is intrinsically linked to activities in which R&D is inserted. In a country eager to reach a satisfactory level of development, but still struggles in its mindset on the interaction between the various sectors involved, namely academia, industry and institutions focused on innovative enterprises, with or without intervention of government development agencies, it is essential to draw a path that can lead us to the desired level.

It is not just a matter of momentarily providing good service to society. Far beyond seeking to foresee the future to ensure the survival of the sector and thus the welfare of society, it is about breaking a paradigm, one that imposes on us the idea that Brazil is only, and always will be, an emerging country. This stigma seems to prevent us from turning over the page, from adopting a first-world attitude, from nurturing a line of thought whose premises are not to remain in the middle, but to achieve differentiation and to begin reaping the fruits reserved only to the so-called developed countries.

The attitude must therefore be aggressive, especially with regard to the relationship between competition and development. When analysing the world context, it becomes clear that development occurs naturally in environments where interest in differentiation is stimulated. By allowing players to reap good fruit from their innovative stance and from the creation of differentiated products and services, the new model for the electric sector will automatically ensure good service and high quality to society.

The innovative mind finds its motivation in the challenges, and the competition, as seen by the innovators, implies the conscience of constantly seeking the vanguard. For innovators, there is no rest. There is no level of lull. They know that any disruption of the status quo can make them lose the fruits of the achievements of the past. Thus, the challenge is always present, concretized in the need to be always ahead. Therefore, by stimulating competition, innovative entrepreneurs will be encouraged to produce what should be expected of them, which yet today goes unnoticed.

This issue brings three papers on relevant issues in the electric sector. The first deals with the issue of regulatory choices of distributed generation in the country, its perspectives and its opportunities. The second presents an alternative approach for the estimation of generalized state, using a more complete representation and tackling the resulting computational complexity through decoupling techniques. The third paper deals with the problem of corrosion in the anchorage of power transmission towers in aggressive environments, presenting important analytical results.

Espaço Energia will continue on its way fostering and disseminating scientific and technological advances in the area of energy. This role can only be played thanks to the participation of our illustrious editorial board, referees and, of course, authors of the published papers. We hope this issue brings important contributions to all readers.

Espaço Energia